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Can I take Qualia Night in addition to other products?

Can I take Qualia Night in addition to Qualia Life?  

Yes. Qualia Night was designed to be able to be taken with Qualia Life.

Can I take Qualia Night in addition to Qualia Mind or Focus?  

Yes. Qualia Night was designed to be able to be taken with Qualia Mind or with Qualia Mind Essentials.

Can I take Qualia Night in addition to Qualia Nootropic Energy Shot?  

Yes. Qualia Night was designed to be able to be taken with Qualia Nootropic Energy Shot.

More Frequently Asked Questions

Why doesn’t Qualia Night contain melatonin?

We recommend that Qualia Night be taken several hours before bedtime, and that is not an ideal time to take melatonin for most people.

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Is It okay to take Qualia Night only once in a while before bedtime when I need something to put me to sleep that night?

Before bedtime sleep supplements typically use herbs, melatonin, or both to induce a feeling of drowsiness. Qualia Night is not designed as this type of sleep supplement. 

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Should I take Qualia Night with or without food?

Our general recommendation is to take Qualia Night with food because some of the ingredients are fat-soluble. 

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Who should not take Qualia Night?

Women who are pregnant or nursing.

Children and teens.

Check with your doctor before taking Qualia Night if…

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Why do you recommend cycling Qualia Night for 5 days on followed by 2 days off?

The short answer is that this helps prevent the tendency to adapt or habituate. Living organisms are experts at adapting to things. 

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When should I take Qualia Night?

Take up to 4 capsules at dinner or several hours before bedtime.

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Do I need to take Qualia Night several hours before bedtime?

Our general recommendation is to take Qualia Night several hours before bedtime, but this is not a hard rule. 

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Is it okay to drink alcohol with Qualia Night?

Qualia Night does not contain any ingredients reported to interact negatively with alcohol. But, in general, alcohol interferes with getting high quality sleep, so we don’t recommend having more than 1 or 2 drinks in order to get the most benefits from taking Qualia Night.

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Can I take Qualia Night in addition to other Qualia products?

Yes! When we designed Qualia Night, we did so assuming people would take it with our other Qualia products.

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Do I need to take the full 4-capsule dose of Qualia Night?

No. It’s fine to take a lower dose. A small subset of users prefer taking only 1 to 2 capsules. While 4 capsules is the recommended dose, and is the most common way users take Qualia Night, it is fine to adjust the dose lower as needed to find what works best for you and your chemistry.

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