Choline Bitartrate is a salt of choline. Choline is an essential nutrient, fundamental for the proper functioning of the brain, liver, and muscles [1]. Choline is a building block for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, the membrane phospholipids phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, and the methyl donor betaine. Acetylcholine is central to brain neurotransmission; it plays a supportive role in attention, concentration, mental focus, and memory [2–4]. Acetylcholine is also used in both the fight or flight and rest and relax parts of the autonomic nervous system, and it is a signaling molecule for activating muscles [5]. Phosphatidylcholine is a main constituent of cell and organelle membranes and is essential for healthy cell membrane function [6,7].*
Supports mental energy *
Supports focus and attention *
Supports brain health and cognitive performance *
Choline Bitartrate is a source of choline, a substance vital to brain health and energy.
Choline Bitartrate is a non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan ingredient.
In 1998, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recognized choline as an essential nutrient needed by humans [8]. The adequate intake (AI) recommendation for choline is 550 mg/day for men and 425 mg/day for women. Many people fail to meet this adequate intake amount. On average, men over 20 years of age (396 mg choline intake) and women (260 mg choline intake) fall short of the AI for choline. As we get older, we are even less likely to get adequate choline in the diet [9]. As many as 90% of the U.S. population may not be consuming enough choline in the diet [10]. Choline bitartrate is by weight one of the best sources of choline.* We include it in a low amount to help narrow the gap between average dietary intakes and adequate intakes.
Choline donor*
Supports healthy plasma choline levels [11,12]
Supports healthy betaine levels [11,12]
Precursor for phosphatidylcholine synthesis [13]
Precursor for acetylcholine synthesis [14]
Supports healthy brain function and cognition*
Supports cholinergic neurotransmission [14–16]
Supports healthy brain membranes [17]
Supports cognitive performance [16]
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
[1]T.C. Wallace, J.K. Blusztajn, M.A. Caudill, K.C. Klatt, E. Natker, S.H. Zeisel, K.M. Zelman, Nutr. Today 53 (2018) 240–253.
[2]M.E. Hasselmo, Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 16 (2006) 710–715.
[3]S.F. Logue, T.J. Gould, Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 123 (2014) 45–54.
[4]I. Klinkenberg, A. Sambeth, A. Blokland, Behav. Brain Res. 221 (2011) 430–442.
[5]C. Sam, B. Bordoni, Physiology, Acetylcholine, StatPearls Publishing, 2023.
[6]J. Agut, E. Font, A. Sacristán, J.A. Ortiz, Arzneimittelforschung 33 (1983) 1048–1050.
[7]P. Galletti, M. De Rosa, M.G. Cotticelli, A. Morana, R. Vaccaro, V. Zappia, J. Neurol. Sci. 103 Suppl (1991) S19–25.
[8]Institute of Medicine (US) Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes and its Panel on Folate, Other B Vitamins, and Choline, Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline, National Academies Press (US), Washington (DC), 2012.
[9]D.N. Chester, J.D. Goldman, J.K. Ahuja, A.J. Moshfegh, in: FSRG Dietary Data Briefs, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Beltsville (MD), 2011.
[10]M. Gossell-Williams, J. Benjamin, West Indian Med. J. 55 (2006) 197–199.
[11]K.A. Böckmann, A.R. Franz, M. Minarski, A. Shunova, C.A. Maiwald, J. Schwarz, M. Gross, C.F. Poets, W. Bernhard, Eur. J. Nutr. 61 (2022) 219–230.
[12]J.M.W. Wallace, J.M. McCormack, H. McNulty, P.M. Walsh, P.J. Robson, M.P. Bonham, M.E. Duffy, M. Ward, A.M. Molloy, J.M. Scott, P.M. Ueland, J.J. Strain, Br. J. Nutr. 108 (2012) 1264–1271.
[13]F. Gibellini, T.K. Smith, IUBMB Life 62 (2010) 414–428.
[14]S.K. Fisher, S. Wonnacott, in: S.T. Brady, G.J. Siegel, R.W. Albers, D.L. Price (Eds.), Basic Neurochemistry (Eighth Edition), Academic Press, New York, 2012, pp. 258–282.
[15]I.H. Ulus, R.J. Wurtman, C. Mauron, J.K. Blusztajn, Brain Res. 484 (1989) 217–227.
[16]S. Tabassum, S. Haider, S. Ahmad, S. Madiha, T. Parveen, Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 159 (2017) 90–99.
[17]S.K. Tayebati, F. Amenta, Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. 51 (2013) 513–521.