Qualia Mind Reviews

Debbie B. - 2020-05-22
I was really impressed with the intense focus I received shortly after taking the product. I started out with 2 and worked up to 4. It's not often that I will try a supplement if it's not labeled organic, but I was familiar with some of the ingredients and have taken them in the past for brain enhancement...and this product was recommended to me :)...
Julio R. - 2020-05-19
Taking Qualia has been amazing! If you can imagine your Clark Joseph Kent🧐...now take a dose of Qualia like directed,next what? ” It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's Superman! Thats basically the feeling i get from Qualia, I become superman. Thanks for the quailty of your product 👌
Sue V. - 2020-05-18
I am taking Eternus and decided to experiment with Qualia as well. I have been taking 4 a day for 5 days with the 7Eternus I feel the change in clarity and ability to be in processes and be patient and let that which is unfolding do so. How much of this is Qualia I don't know.
Logan W. - 2020-05-13
I feel an uptick of mental energy immediately after consuming Qualia mind. Combining this supplement with peptides such as Semax provides a wonderfully objective and clear sense of presence. I use these in combination to work smarter, not harder.
Sue L. - 2020-05-13
As I have gotten older, I found my energy really waning. Pl;us, my mind would feel more sleepy than before. I improved a lot of mental focus and clarity when i added fish oil with Omega 3 to my daily diet. When I added Focus by Qualia, I felt another definitive jolt of positive energy and just felt more alert, awake, and focused. Able to perform better, and look and act alert.
Dana S. - 2020-05-11
OK. At 45, I had what I can only call an experience of "early onset..." I can't even say the word- please fill in the blank. Now I'm 54, and *only* with Qualia, I have no such problem. My review is long overdue. I have been taking Qualia since February, 2018. Really, I don't think I need to say much more. It's expensive? It was the 6th nootropic I tried. Nothing else worked in any sustained way. I found quite alot of ineffective remedies. So I'm that much more grateful for *just how well* Qua...Read more.
James C. - 2020-05-06
The product has to.be. for 30 days...since you have to take so much which only last 22 days that part is not good..we need 30 days for this product since you paying so much...
Aaron B. - 2020-05-03
Great Product
Walter L. - 2020-04-13
Felt an immediate (30 mins after taking it, full dose of 7 pills) increase in brain clarity, motivation. quick memory recall and quick math skills go up after a week or so on it. Overall an incredible supplement. I’ve put several mates onto it and all report improvements on mental performance. Love Neurohacker’s work. Great Job with this product
MAHESH G. - 2020-04-11
Never fails to impress.To go without Qualia Mind is like night and day for me....and I prefer the daylight!
Jose B. - 2020-04-07
Excellent concentration/motivation/mood enhancer, been using it for work, study, reading, and daily activities with an overall subtle yet indescribable feeling of betterment. My mind is now like a knife just recently sharpened, it can cut whole lot chunks of ideas without chocking...
Drew B. - 2020-04-06
I really enjoy taking qualia energy. It feels similar to mind, but with more of an embodied sense. It also comes with a very engaging and sociable quality. Compared to mind or focus, which often feels more cerebral, this feels very relational, and I feel an increased draw to connect with people I care about. I highly recommend trying qualia energy, if nothing else to know for yourself how your body responds compared to the other products.
eduardo m. - 2020-04-06
Amazing!!! Exceptional and essential ...
Carmen P. - 2020-04-03
It took me entering college and a very demanding degree to see my symptoms of my cloudy mind and my ability to wander off into lalaland during an important lecture or exam. I thought for the longest time I simply had to focus, or that I was being a bad student, but I knew that something wasn't right. I self-medicated with large amounts of coffee, 5 or 6 cups a day, to try to stay more alert and focused on my classes. My mom found Qualia this year, which happens to be my senior year, and I wis...Read more.
Aaron D. - 2020-03-31
This product is amazing! Will continue to order more. It helps my brain fire on all cylinders and focus better.
Joshua R. - 2020-03-26
Processing and Shipment was pretty fast giving the circumstances of this current Cornovirus thing going on. Their products are premium quality, and the company seems to be dedicated to their mission and goals. I highly recommend Neurohacker to all who are looking to give their mind the best functioning that it can perform. I know a little bit about chemistry, neurology, pharmakinetics, and the ingredients that are in their products as I research everything extensively and I believe this compa...Read more.
John P. - 2020-03-22
I’ve never had a problem sleeping, so Qualia didn’t change my sleep in a quantitative way...but my dreaming has increased dramatically. And not just “dreams”...I am having intricately detailed and highly creative dreams. I am pursuing 2 new patents strictly because of these dreams. I’ve never had problems with energy levels so that hasn’t changed. I also notice that I am a bit more focused and more task-oriented throughout the day.
Derrick L. - 2020-03-21
I’ve been trying for ages to get my girlfriend to try supplements and she finally agreed to these. Although we’re still getting started, we immediately noticed that her mood swings evened out - things she would get upset about before or being “hangry” have disappeared or turn into brief flashes of anger instead of actual arguments or fights. Just in time for being stuck at home!
Albert F. - 2020-03-18
Though really expensive
Antoine M. - 2020-03-17
Great product. My ability to focus was 100 folds! I love the product and will sure continue to use it. Even now that I am running out of it, I can feel the lasting effects. Great Product!
Scott R. - 2020-03-09
Qualia is the best nootropic supplement on the market. If you don’t start taking this to improve focus and productivity, you are doing yourself a disservice. I have seen a dramatic increase in effective communication, commitment to healthy habits, long term and short term goal setting/clarity and creativity integration in my workflow. It’s been a life changer and I can’t wait to see what benefits occur at the 3 month and 6 month timelines. You won’t be disappointed.
Patrick C. - 2020-03-08
I have been taking Qualia now for about 2.5 weeks. The biggest thing I have noticed so far is consistent, all day energy. I don't seem to be having any crashes. This certainly has to do with a number of factors such as getting enough sleep, eating a mostly plant based diet, avoiding caffeine and sugar, consistent meditation & exercise, etc. Yet I feel like Qualia is been supporting and even upleveling my baseline for wellbeing which is incredible. I am excited to continue supplementing my...Read more.
Christopher A. - 2020-03-07
This leaves the mind with a light and energetic focus. Very effective.
Diego V. - 2020-03-07
This product gave me a total boost !!
Edward S. - 2020-03-04
Love it