Qualia Senolytic Reviews

Francis G. - 2024-05-25
Still waiting for my purchase
Pam F. - 2024-05-08
Made me feel sick and responded totally the opposite of advertised.
Steven H. - 2024-04-12
No change
Barbara M. - 2024-02-13
I have tried to stop my monthly subscription under manage and I’m still getting it every month. I don’t quite understand. So I am paying subscription price even though there are discounts offered every single month which for some reason don’t apply to my order.
Joe S. - 2023-12-15
I have no idea if this product does anything. I want to cancel my subscription.
Elaine L. W. - 2023-11-13
I didn’t honestly notice any difference in brain fog and energy levels, which I was hoping for with this expensive purchase. Please refund as per your 100% Refund Guarantee? And don’t send me any further product.
Rita Y. - 2023-10-29
I'm not positive how others reacted to this product but my stomach feels like someone kicked it or the acid in my gut is too much. Very odd and headaches 😩
Richard C. J. - 2023-10-08
No matter how good this product is you don’t want to get trapped in a subscription. It is not easy to get out of.
Joel S. - 2023-10-06
It is prohibitively expensive for a one month supply
Florence O. - 2023-08-18
I only used it one month. Did not feel any different. I will try it another month to see if I feel better
Erin K. - 2023-07-29
Ok so maybe this is a big coincidence but it seems that every time I take this product, I either end up with a bad cold (I'm the person who never gets sick) or some other issue. Last month it was a horrible cold sore (I almost never get cold sores and this one was BAD)... This month it was a UTI - first in 10 years. I'm not certain it's causative and could just be oddly coincidental timing but is there a reason why this product would actually temporarily weaken your immune system? I'm going t...Read more.
Diane H. - 2023-07-22
I just started this yesterday.
Adam J. - 2023-06-26 | Beta Tester
I took Qualia Senolytic as directed but experienced no obvious benefits.
Josh H. - 2022-12-14 | Beta Tester
As I’ve said, subjectively less than significant effects overall. Ultimately indifferent to this product.
Cori C. - 2022-06-12 | Beta Tester
A 2 day dose really was not enough to make an informed opinion. Packaging was neat and clean looking.
Mikel H. - 2022-05-31 | Beta Tester
Seems promising, but it's too expensive for me to find out.I like the idea of only have to take a supplement twice a month.
Sarah R. - 2024-06-26
After I received the product, I noticed that the instructions are poor. There are six capsules/day and there’s no information if you take all six at once or two in the morning, two in the afternoon two at night. Then I looked online and there’s a mention that you don’t need to take all six in the same day you can ramp up slowly if you’re concerned about taking all six. But no mention of why you would be concerned to take all six. I reached out to customer service over a month ago and there ha...Read more.
Celeste A. - 2024-06-09
I noticed no difference when taking senolytic or the sleep product. It can’t work for everyone so I must be in that small percentage of folks that it doesn’t work on. When I returned the sleep aid I thought the whole subscription was cancelled, as it was listed that way on the return slip but then it showed up again 3 weeks later. I’m returning it but the return postage is not free…I’m learning to beware of subscriptions.
Cassandra N. - 2024-06-07
I received no less than 13 marketing emails before I received my first order. I don't even care how good or bad the product is, this is ridiculous.
Michael V. - 2024-06-05
never got products , sent to wrong address
Factory of weird D. - 2024-06-03
This company makes it difficult to understand what you are being charged for and intended to keep you paying, threatens that you will never be able to benefit from any of their discounts ever again if you cancel your subscription.
Guest - 2024-05-24
This is snake oil at best, but that might be an insult to snakes. For $40 I observed no tangible benefits and without a zero stars rating have no other method to express my utter lack of enthusiasm for this product. I hope it works for you, but I won't recommending it to anyone.
Lola L. - 2024-05-06
I did not notice a change at all, took it for 3 months. Waste of money.
Gary N. - 2024-04-22
I actually recall I experienced a forgetful moment on the second day, but mostly, I didn't feel a difference at all in the way I felt. I strictly watch what I eat and feel terrific practically all the time. That is why I only purchased for a one moment in time trial. Perhaps you want to tell me I need 90 days elapse time on this supplement to fully judge? How much better than terrific do you suppose? I am 77-1/2 years old, on no medications, BP 100/60, I move around, active lifestyle. Thank you!
Rick A. - 2024-04-14
As many businesses do now, Qualia sneakily opts you into an automatic subscription. The fact that they do this adds to mine and others' shared feeling that this is a snake oil-like scam. Never again.