Chance L. reviewed Qualia Vision

about 3 years ago

5 stars

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Gwen B. December 31, 2021


I love the reassurance this product gives me that I am doing what I can to safeguard my vision. i had developed a lot of floaters and had to go to the eye specialist last year when one eye started having less vivid, a greying, of vision. I went to the specialist, all was fine but he said someti...

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Michael K. July 18, 2022

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Maria M. June 14, 2021

Good supplement in this tech world

I work very long hours in front of a computer to finish up the day catching up with my phone messages. I have noticed that I am sleeping through the night and am not feeling so tired as I was in the middle of the afternoon.

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Beau R. July 5, 2021

Similar to week one

Same circumstances and results as week 1 journal. I took two pills on a few days and finished them all. The bottle states 2 pills per day , but the trial instructions state 1 pill per day. Not sure why the difference from the prescribed printed bottle labeling

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