Lauren A. reviewed Qualia Vision

over 2 years ago

5 stars

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Tanasha A. March 27, 2023

Good Start

So far, the product has been working well for me. I'll update later on the results.

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Casey F. June 12, 2021

Vivid dreams

While there are no obvious changes in the way my eyes feel or perform, I noticed that my dreams have seemed more vivid. No idea if that's related but perhaps REM sleep is improved or something? Love the ingredients and looking forward to the next week!

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Alexander M. June 12, 2021

Surprisingly Effective

Honestly, I didn't expect to feel much using this product. I am familiar with the ingredients, which are fantastic, and I expected it to just be beneficial in the background without much thought. However, I'm happy to say that I've been able to be at my computer uninterrupted for extended periods...

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Kristian E. September 22, 2021

I took it as prescribed, but I can’t say I felt much of a difference with my eyesight. I have good eyesight already and I feel like it would be hard to see an improvement unless it was drastic which it wasn’t. I did feel an improvement with eyes strain.

I would recommend this product to anyone who experiences eye strain or spends a lot of time in screens.

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