Michelle C. reviewed Qualia Vision

about 3 years ago

Eyesight delight

Helped my eyes stay clear and focuses on these long screen days

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Don S. July 3, 2021

Great product

I could definitely see a difference in my overall eyesight and focus at work this week. Thank you.

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Ryan S. November 2, 2022

Took 5 days to change last 2 years

I don’t know how, but it only took 5 days to change the last 2 years of my life. I couldn’t read my phone, computer, or books. After 5 days I suddenly had my vision and it’s only gotten better. And still on my first bottle. For my work it’s priceless.

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Antonio G. March 2, 2021

Small steps

I don't really "feel" any effects but I have noticed just slight improvements in vision (mostly at night)

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July 7, 2021

4 stars