Steven C. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
Honestly this is the best! I take it before a workout and it helps me to communicate and use more of my vocabulary. I know that sounds strange! But for years I've struggled with communication especially when I'm nervous or have social anxiety. When I take this.. I SHINE!! I just wish it were a li...
I took it in place of my usual Qualia Mind caffeine-free. I noticed increased energy, more than usual which could be due to the caffeine in it. I miss the calming qualities of the Qualia Mind though. This product gave me sustained energy throughout the day and I got a lot more done this week compared to my usual routine. I “found my words” easier as well; sometimes I’m at a loss for the word im thinking about and I noticed this week I didn’t struggle with that which was amazing. Overall, I miss my Qualia Mind for the calming effects it gives my anxious personality but the Focus comes in at a close second! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate was fun!
Sustained energy throughout the day
I didn’t notice much at first, but after two weeks I must’ve hit some sort of critical mass. I had more energy, workouts felt better, I felt more even throughout the day. My sleep definitely got better, which may be what I can attribute most of the positive effects to. Either way, worth it. Just ...
Great results so far. Attention to detail and great focus. Helping me on my road to recovery of of drugs.