Guest reviewed Qualia Vision
Renewed Vision
Vision clarity and less eye strain at the end of the day
Clearer vision
I've worn glasses/contacts practically my entire life, and spend a good portion of my day in front of screens. Within about a week of starting to take this product, I noticed I was able to see a bit more clearly/vibrantly. While I'm not expecting my vision to become completely healed by this, the...
Vision recovery improvement
My vision seems to be improving with the Qualia Vision. The recovery time between close up vision and my eyes returning to normal for distance vision seems to be improving. Also, on the first day, there seemed to be overall clarity improvement in my vision.
Recognizable clarity of mind
This is my second time taking Qualia - Mind. I put a real focus on recognizing the difference between before and after. The first time I tried it, I took it whenever I remembered throughout the day. Now, I take five capsules with water (started with 4 for one week) first thing in the mornin...