TRIANNA M. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials

over 3 years ago

Able to complete tasks without digression

Third eye

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Alexandra C. January 23, 2021

This product works wonders for focus and overall clarity. The only issue I found was that it did make me a little jittery. If you are sensitive to stimulants it might not be the best for you, but otherwise I definitely recommend for anyone who wants a clean energy!

Great for clarity and focus!

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David M. October 19, 2020

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To be honest, I went in with high expectations that this particular product would deliver some level of noticeable change or feeling. Unfortunately, I felt no difference or anything mentionable that may have contributed to taking the product. I wish I could say differently but that would be disho...

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Mason R. January 29, 2021

First two days my focus was sharp. Felt good all day. Recently, I haven’t had the same feeling but it’s most likely due to lack of sleep (our five year old has been waking up in the middle of the night all the sudden!). Still, I’ve liked the product so far!

Sharp Focus

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Melanie C. January 26, 2021

My overall mood became better the first day. Obviously if mood is enhanced, everything else benefits from it.

Mental Shift

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