Earl B. reviewed Qualia NAD+
Honestly, after taking it 25 days or so I was about to cancel because I noticed absolutely NOTHING. I forgot to cancel and my second bottl cam in. I was mad. I cancelled that day. then a few days later I was at a party. Feeling great. And several people who hadn't seen me in a long time were commenting on how good I looked. It was a birthday party so "youthfulness" was a big topic. I was getting lots of "you really look young" type comments and later when I looed in the mirror, I noticed it too! Give it a chance. I really believe in this stuff.
Looking forward to the benefits
Just started taking the supplements and excited for the benefits
Why i bought NAD+ to try
As I am over 60 years old, I decided to do something about improving myself and ensuring I can continue to live life to its fullest. Since starting to Take Qualia NAD+ in only 12 days I have experienced more energy and improved sleep.
Increased energy and well being
I play hockey in an all age group and I am 51. I play with 19 to 35 year olds and so anything to give me an edge helps. I seemed to get a boost a week into it
New customer, happy results
I took advantage of the 50% qualia NAD+ subscription, was pleased with the results. I'd been looking for a quality supplement! Website and account creations could use abit of a tune up.