Bryant D. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 2 years ago


Loving the product! Great quality ingredients. Must try!

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Wendy L. July 20, 2018


I weigh 95 pounds and figured, based on using the original version of Qualia, that I'd need to scale down. I did, to 5 rather than 7 pills, and it worked great the first time--no fine-tuning needed.

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Carolyn T. October 2, 2021


I like your Mind product, but I can't afford to use it on a regular basis. Your product is too expensive for me. I take a lot of supplements, and it would have to be much more affordable for me to add to my daily supplement regime.

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Tom C. October 6, 2022

My "Limitless" Pills

The NZT pill in the movie Limitless might be just a movie plot but the improvements I experience in mood and drive from Qualia Mind is definitely real.

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Bodhi J. December 11, 2019

Better Clarity, Focus, Reflexes

Clarity and focus are improved but the most surprising benefit to me was better hand-eye coordination and faster reflexes.

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