Jason F. reviewed Qualia Mind

about 1 year ago

Doesnt work for me , but doesnt mean it wont work for everyone.

Paradoxical effect, my critical thinking and memory retention decreases. Its does help me focus . Low therapeutic effect.

Hi Jason, Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear that Qualia Mind did not work out for you. Typically, the biggest issue that will prevent you feeling the full effects of Qualia is sleep. Qualia works along the same pathways in the brain that move your memories from short to long term storage when you sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep or the right kinds of sleep than those pathways are unavailable and you will not feel Qualia working. Our recommendation is to pause taking Qualia and work on getting a lot of rest to get your body back on track. Get a lot of well uninterrupted sleep for 3-5 days and then resume taking Qualia to see if you notice a difference and can feel the effects of Qualia working properly. Additional things that can make it less effective: Not enough healthy fats in your diet Caffeine desensitization Too small a dose Not drinking enough water Cannabis or alcohol use Desensitization from other past stimulants or psychotropic drugs or meds Please reach out to customer support if you need anything further.

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