Jules H. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
I have learned a lot about this medication, and I think it's wonderful to understand the benefits of it! Thank You!
Works Great
I think the product works great and I feel like it is well
Positive start!
Have only tried this once but liked it well enough to order again.
New energy & better sleep & at 76 years young, loving it 😊
At 76 years old, I was feeling really in a slump, my energy & my recovery from any minor injury! I’ve been following Dave Asbury for a couple years now he and Dr. Mark Hyman and this product came very highly recommended by them! I am going into my fourth month of taking the Qualia Senolyti...
Optimize Aging
Dr. Mindy Pelz recommended this as a way to promote healthy aging at a cellular level. I like that the dosage is only twice a month. Looking forward to tracking how it improves mind clarity and joint health.