Daniel F. reviewed Qualia Vision | Beta Tester
Have been taking the product for one week and I have noticed that my eyes are not as tired as before. I really did not make sense of it until I remembered at the end of the week that I was taking them and realized how good it was so far
So far so good!
Haven’t been taking very long, but so far I’m confident in Vision and what it is doing to help protect my eyes. My family has macular degeneration and because I genetically have issues with A Toxicity I love that Qualia leaves A and E out which seems unusual for an eye supplement but for me, very...
Less eye fatigue/strain for a WFH worker.
Not sure about what to expect before start taking Vision, the first week I realized that I did have less eye fatigue/strain during work. And I do work a lot in front a PC. I'll continue trying the product focusing on its effect in the long run.