Casey W. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
I can feel a difference when taking the product. I tend to take a lower dose of 3 caps rather than 5. The only drawback is that after taking Focus in the morning, that night I often feel a slight negative impact on my mood. It is also pretty expensive, which is a major barrier for me at the moment, being a poor graduate student.
Creative vs Focussed Implementation
It's early days for me with Focus, having taken it for two cycles of 5 days on, 2 days off and choosing to stay within a dose of 2 - 3 caps per day instead of the 5 capsule dose. Having taken Qualia Mind before for a longer period of time I can compare the two products and the differences I exper...
Focused mind. Feel fantastic!
Fantastic product! Can focus on everday task Highly recommended! ×10
Great results so far. Attention to detail and great focus. Helping me on my road to recovery of of drugs.
Great product!
I’ve taken each Qualia product and this is the one that works best for me. Focus, concentration and the ability to articulate better during conversation are all things I see when I take this product. Day 2 I was out of coffee, normally a rough day, and I felt great through an entire day of mundan...