Charles R. reviewed Qualia Mitochondria+ (formerly Qualia Life)
I like the formulation and steady energy Qualia Life gives me. The number of pills and price are a slight downer but the overall feeling and energy is worth the minor cons.
Neuro hacking at its finest
I have taken Eternus for over a month and love it. For an extra boost I use Qualia, the combination of the two are awesome. For daily brain health Eternus is totally worth it.
This product is great, I have noticed a difference increase in my energy levels. But the most notable difference is my ability to focus. I can sit at a computer and actually complete tasks at one time. I haven't had this type of mental focus in decades. I love it!!
I felt more drive to do things.
I felt more aware of present moment, I slept better and woke up feeling good and enjoyed more my daily routine.