Scott S. reviewed Qualia Senolytic | Beta Tester
Saw an increase in HRV and Recovery on fitness trackers after taking this!
Import duties
Was wondering why Spermidine is not in the mix? Dosing the first two days of each month/ see what happens
Amazing product!
I could feel a change in my alertness and overall energy right away! I also am taking Qualia mind daily. They are helping me clean my system and loose some unwanted weight?
Qualia Senolytic
I love this stuff! Looking forward to my results after one year!!
Innovation drives success and Senolytic proves to be successful!!
Just one day after taking Senolytic I felt a measurable increase of movement in my joints and muscles. I am still seeing the benefits. I have great confidence in Qualia's ingredients and the science used for this innovative product.The packaging was extremely convenient. The dose was not overwhel...