Kathy F. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
More focus, alertness and overall well-being
I have been taking this for over a year now and I have had nothing but a positive experience. When I combine Qualia Focus with my morning breathing (Wim Hof Method), meditation and a CrossFit workout I will have 6-10 incredibly productive hours. I would put my productivity increase due to Quali...
Optimizes your brain health while you sleep
Not the typical sleep aid you would normally take a half hour before bed time. This non drowsy formula is formulated to be taken at dinner time to maintain brain health while you sleep when you finally go to bed. Not going to lie...it is pricey...but there is real science behind this supplement. ...
Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist
Still assessing several of your products at once. Eternitus, Focus, Mind, the Energy Drink. The problem is that it takes time to assess, and honestly the combined cost is prohibited even if it does work. I do not see very competitive package deals, so will have to decide how to use or not use you...
first day I had a headache, second day no headache but i noticed I was calm. Each day after my 'sense' of calm seemed to last longer and longer into the day-well into the late afternoon early evening