Draven P. reviewed Qualia Night | Beta Tester

about 4 years ago

I'm giving it an A+ for uninterrupted sleep!

I usually only stay asleep for 2 to 4 hours at a time. After a few days of taking Qualia Night, I have been able to stay asleep for 6 hours without waking! Now I only wake up one time early morning and its easy to fall back asleep for the last hour or two of sleep. I definitely have way more energy throughout the day. I feel more motivated and a lot happier! l used to have to wake up and go back to sleep 3 or 4 times throughout the night to get a full 8 hours of sleep. But the quality was not great and I still woke up feeling tired. I never realized how important uninterrupted sleep could be. I did not expect this to work so well. I remember more of my dreams too which is really cool. Its a much different expirience than taking melatonin which has made me feel tired and grumpy the next morning. I have to give this supplement an A+

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