Elisa E. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
My goal is to live a long healthy, happy life. My research has directed me to this company and it's products. It's still a little early to notice huge changes but I do feel some. I am introducing new products slowly so I can review how they have benefitted me long term.
First time use
I have only used this with one box - 2 days. But I was surprised by how much energy I had, yet could sleep calmly at night with no lingering chitters. I am really looking forward to my next box/experience!
Time will tell...
I'm just starting to use this product so time will tell hopefully haha. I would like a little more detail on "how to take these pills"...with or without food? early or later in day? all at once or spread out over the day.
Amazing product!
I could feel a change in my alertness and overall energy right away! I also am taking Qualia mind daily. They are helping me clean my system and loose some unwanted weight?