Janice L. reviewed Qualia Senolytic

10 months ago

Import duties

Was wondering why Spermidine is not in the mix? Dosing the first two days of each month/ see what happens

Our Qualia Life formulation contains Spermidine as we agree Spermidine has been shown to help enhance aging, and prolong lifespan. With Qualia Senolytic we focused on the nine plant extracts, seven of which we consider to be senolytics and two others we’d categorize as being senolytic complements (or potential. senolytics). Senescent cells are an example of complexity science; they use networks of cellular pathways (usually abbreviated as SCAPs) to resist being “pruned” away. But they can also use non-SCAP mechanisms—senescent cells are diverse and don’t all use identical survival strategies. And, some senolytic compounds appear to be more active in some tissues (and less active in others). Because of these interacting factors, Qualia Senolytic took a complex systems approach to managing senescent cells, selecting ingredients to address varying SCAP mechanisms (such as Fisetin and Quercetin), ingredients to complement them (such as milk thistle and soybean seed extracts), and ingredients for non-SCAP mechanisms (such as Piperlongumine) to holistically support managing senescent cells in a variety of tissues.

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