Chantae B. reviewed Qualia Focus | Beta Tester
The first day I experienced a terrible headache shortly after taking the capsules. The next day I only took one, which did not produce a headache, not produce very noticabke effects. I find I feel more dehydrated on the days I take this product. Increasing my fluid intake is a must to avoid potential negative effects.
Good for the first two weeks
The first two weeks were where I noticed the most improvement however the last week of the 3 I stopped due to the gut upset.
Focus study
The positive effects decreased dramatically after the first few days of taking.
Smooth effect, barely noticeable effects, until evening when I realize I want to keep working instead of wrapping up.
I say excellent overall experience because I was motivated to work more in the evening. I prefer working to watching TV - usually I watch TV. Literally more mental energy. If this is a placebo, oh well (!).
Great product
I have been using Qualia Focus for several months. It was just what I needed to energize me enough without any side effects and to keep my mind sharp and focused.