Chris T. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 2 years ago

Life changing

Has totally changed my life. I lived with brain fog that was almost debilitating a lot of the time. My head is clear and focus is astonishing. Not to be redundant but it really has changed my life.

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nathan g. November 14, 2018

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Aaron B. February 17, 2023

Really helps me focus!

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Dmitri L. August 2, 2023

Gives me that “can-do” attitude

I like Qualia Mind because it gives me drive and energy in the mornings. I do feel the difference when I’m not using it. Regarding the taste, I eventually got used to it, despite it being “fishy” because of some ingredient in it.

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Jared P. June 16, 2021

Honey Badger Formula

I was at the end of my rope in terms of burn out and overwhelmed with all of life’s demands. I was looking for anything that would give me the edge I needed to just meet the demands of life (husband, father of 3, workforce full-time, extracurricular activities, church functions, etc. etc.). I cou...

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