Manuel C. reviewed Qualia Mitochondria+ (formerly Qualia Life)
Definitely helping day by day manage my stress and I feel it working. Great energy through day. Only been taking it a month now, just waiting on my second bottle, which I understand it takes up to 2 or so months for full cell regeneration to show. Thank you guys. Great product.
I have been using Eternus for about a month and I would recommend it. I have used Qualia for over a year and I feel that the combination with them together has been very effective. I wouldn’t say that I felt an immediate effect like I did when I first took Qualia, but I do feel like my body is ru...
Good product
I tried it for the 5 days and then took a break for 2. Overall, I didn't notice a huge difference but it was only a week.
Great!! Subtle but discernible difference in energy level and focus in afternoon (what is normally a slump time) and then more energy during a workout!