EJ A. reviewed Qualia Mind Energy Shot

over 3 years ago

Nootropic Energy beta test

I appreciate the opportunity to evaluate this product. I am male 67 years, 6’01” 200 lbs with athletic build. I commit to approx 4 days per week with physical training; including kettlebells, body weight exercise and light run/jog aerobics. I spaced the uptake of nootropic energy @ 1 serving per, taken after midday since I do take coffee in AM daily. I found the energy supplement to have a general positive effect for increased alertness, cognitive support and focus. I did not experience any noticeable jitters, racing pulse or digestive upset sometimes experienced with other energy supplements. I sometimes get “flushed”with other energy supplements that contain Niacin or Guaranja (sic). This reaction did not occur with Nootropic Energy supplement. I think this product would also aide alertness during longer term driving sessions which would require longer stretches of concentration. Thank you again for this opportunity and your efforts to develop this type of supplement. V/r, Ed Alford.

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