Stephanie C. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials

almost 4 years ago

Not the Right Time of Life for this one?

I got a bit of lift from the product about half an hour after taking it most mornings of the 5 day trial but by early to mid afternoon I felt that slightly wired tired feeling similar to if i've had too much coffee. Weirdly enough I had about 3 days of craving decaf coffee about 2 hours after taking the product. Having been a prior purchaser of Qualia Mind and the Caffeine free version I have to say that the lift in wellbeing, energy or focus wasn't there with this Essentials product. However this may have also been because of where I am at in my own perimenopause cycle, started struggling with sleep about 2-3 weeks before the product arrived (estrogen progesterone balance out of whack) so was gently recovering with some more restful night sleeps as I started this trial product. I also did a Transformational Breathing workshop with R. Cristian Minson halfway through the trial week and so I had 3 days after that of being very triggered emotionally as stuff was released/integrated.

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