Praveen D. reviewed Qualia Vision

over 2 years ago


Great Product

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Mathias B. July 21, 2021

Qualia Vision - clearer eyesight

Since I've started taking Qualia Vision, I have noticed my eyesight getting clearer when / as I walk outside with out glasses.Though I've put in over 300 + hours of eye excercises over the past 4-5 years, I have not done so since I've started taking Qualia Vision, and also been spending more hour...

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Alexander M. June 12, 2021

Surprisingly Effective

Honestly, I didn't expect to feel much using this product. I am familiar with the ingredients, which are fantastic, and I expected it to just be beneficial in the background without much thought. However, I'm happy to say that I've been able to be at my computer uninterrupted for extended periods...

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Scott L. June 13, 2021

Too early to tell

Haven't really noticed anything in particular yet, but nothing bad either...

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Tamara V. June 12, 2021

Good product for farsightedness!

I noticed that I started seeing better everything in the close vicinity. I have to take off my prescription glasses for reading. But for far-away objects I still need glasses. Good product! Thanks!

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