Matthew B. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
This product has been very useful for me during my work. It allows me to stay alert even in those periods where I might rather choose a nap than to focus. I recommend for all those hard workers who need a boost.
The 1st week, I've noticed a modest increase in my ability to focus. My energy levels have been good in the morning with a slight dip in the early afternoon. This is most likely due to the caffeine.
Qualia Focus Week 1 of 4 Beta Trial
Qualia Essentials
I was feeling that I had lost a step mentally after many years of abuse as a wildland firefighter and the poor diet that may accompany it. Already feeling sharper after a couple weeks, and not procrastinating my admin duties. Also have been able to cut back on coffee consumption with little eff...
I’m feeling calmer, clearer and happier.
I have a high stress job that requires accuracy and accountability while being interrupted continually. Because of my job I was feeling anxious, constantly feeling like I was forgetting something. I was losing my work/life balance. I’ve been using Qualia for one month and notice I feel more calm...
Get Rid of the Brain Fog and Excel.
After taking this for 5 days, I feel that it has help to improve my overall well-being and keep it consistent. I could tell the difference within 30 minutes of taking the Focus. The "brain fog" would go away. Taking Focus on an empty stomach is fine but i found that if I did not have something...