scott t. reviewed Qualia Night
This formula eased me into relaxed sleep and even though I woke earlier than usual I had no brain fog and was feeling rested.
Love it.
Less than a week in and I’m already seeing improvements in my sleep stats.
Boosts more than relaxation...
I was calmer and more relaxed while taking Qualia Sleep. I found it easier to wind down at bedtime. I also noticed a couple more surprising effects. After the first dose I found everything funny & it seemed that some of those ingredients may have been aphrodisiacs. After some digging, I f...
Definitely worth trying
I love all these products. I have trouble staying asleep most nights, Took the Night for 4 evenings, slept pretty well. I would have like to try it for a longer period of time to really know how my body responds to it.
Notable improvement in sleep quality!
I have tried many other supplements to get a better night sleep. None of them hold a candle to Qualia Night. I was skeptical that one product could be so profound but they have nailed it!