David R. reviewed Qualia Night
Best thing I've ever tried. Really slows down the system and provides a deep, wonderful foundation for a deep restorative sleep.
Top Product
The quality and thoughtfulness of this company shines through in their products! The quality of sleep and the daily quality of wakefulness I have the following day... I am in love with this product!
For me, after about three days, I could really fell a much deeper, more restful sleep. I wake up feeling way more refreshed and I've lost that morning grog. You won't be disappointed.
Q Sleep
I take it 4, sometimes 3 hours before lights out and it's really been helping me transition from my 12 hour hair on fire work shifts towards recharging my brain, body and soul during the 7-8 hours of sleep. Your recommendation of 5 days on & 2 days off the product is working 5 by 5 for me. ...