Phil C. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 3 years ago

Some positive effects. Taste is ghastly, though.

I've been using Qualia for about a week now. The benefits are subtle, but approximately as advertised, with a mild increase in focus and drive. The seven pills that you have to swallow, however, are pretty large, and they have a godawful scent/taste that present themselves when they hit your tongue and mouth. By pill #3 I'm struggling to get them down. Dunno if I can endure this unpleasantness in the long term and become a consistent user.

Hi Phil, Thank you for sharing your review. The Qualia Mind capsules and their contents definitely have a smell to them. This is normal and is due to the ingredient AlgaDHA, as you mentioned, as it is derived from algae and can have that smell/taste to it if you are sensitive to it. Our Customer Support team has reached out to you, please respond to them and let them know how you would like to proceed. Our formula Essentials does not contain the AlgaDHA so that may be a better option for you. Looking forward to speaking with you.

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