Missti F. reviewed Qualia Mind
Qualia Mind has been a game changing addition to my daily regime. Clearer and more focused with mental energy that last throughout the day and tasks at hand! Even my eye sight has improved! Thanks Neurohacker!
Qualia mind
I like it so far. It's simple. Some other nootropics are very involved with lots of products. Seems to work well
Je fais des rêves incroyables et je m'en souviens dans les moindres détails. J'ai remarqué avoir une meilleure mémoire toutes au long de ma journée. Le prix est particulièrement élevé par contre mais c'est comprenable en regardant l'étiquette des ingrédients.
My "Limitless" Pills
The NZT pill in the movie Limitless might be just a movie plot but the improvements I experience in mood and drive from Qualia Mind is definitely real.