JT H. reviewed Qualia Mind
I can’t recommend this product enough, especially for students. The price may seem scary at first but it’s 100% worth the drive and motivation you feel!
Gentle boost in cognitive function. Feeling more like myself each day. Excited to see what comes as I take it longer.
Lifts me from Brainfog
I have been taking Qualia for 5 years now and it truly makes an incredible difference for someone who lives with a neurological disorder. It was referred to me by a nutritionist and it has helped my brainfog and mental capacity greatly. Thank you Neurohacker for creating such a wonderful product!
Clear Focus All Day
Usually I have a mid-day crash from all the coffee I drink. Qualia allowed me to not only work until 9:30-10 at night, but when I got home after the long days I just stayed on top of all my paperwork. This is the anti-procrastination pill.
Emotional Stability
I’ve been trying for ages to get my girlfriend to try supplements and she finally agreed to these. Although we’re still getting started, we immediately noticed that her mood swings evened out - things she would get upset about before or being “hangry” have disappeared or turn into brief flashes o...