Derek M. reviewed Qualia Vision | Beta Tester
Eyes felt less dry overall
Qualia Vision
On the computer for hours, eyes were feeing the strain a a need to stop , after taking the Qualia vision notice the difference, vision improved , sharper, practically no strain, Is a different-maker, I hooked.,
Great Product!
Highly recommend for long periods in front of a computer! Very noticeable increase in eye strength and fatigue after an 8 hour workday. Almost no fatigue with this product and I use to experience eye fatigue after around lunchtime every day. Great product!
It works.
It works, for some reason don’t know what it was but my eyes felt better when I took Vision. My vision seems like it’s getting clearer.
Recognizable clarity of mind
This is my second time taking Qualia - Mind. I put a real focus on recognizing the difference between before and after. The first time I tried it, I took it whenever I remembered throughout the day. Now, I take five capsules with water (started with 4 for one week) first thing in the mornin...