Sara C. reviewed Qualia Senolytic | Beta Tester
Great product, I already feel better generally and my aches and pains have really decreased!
Qualia Senolytic
I just received my first order and took my first 6 capsules so I can't really comment on it's effectiveness. But the response to my order was very good.
Solid product!
It seems to be a great product and I did notice a few positive effects in the short time using it. I think having a longer exposure time would have produced even more positive results. Not a fan of the use of soy in the ingredient recipe though. Love the science. Still learning about senolytics ...
Within one Day
This is 2nd month using Senolytic. I thought the greatest body feeling after the first use might just be a fluke, or a placebo effect, but within a day again my two hip replacement areas really feel clear is the only way i can describe it. I’m very pleased to use Synolytic monthly. Although to...