
Gregory T. - 2018-01-01
After trying thousands of supplements over the last decade I saw an ad for qualia. I thought, great branding so it's probably all hype. Then I read the ingredient list and it was a list of everything I had ever tried that actually worked and at a similar dosage. This stuff will change your life, if you've got a lot of great ideas or a good to do list that never seems to get done.
Ofer R. - 2017-12-29
I started taking Qualia during an intensive software development training program, and close to 3 weeks later - I can say that there has definitely been a 2x-3x improvement in my ability to focus and recall information. My creativity and mood have also improved, though less dramatically. After supplementing, my energy levels go up and stay up throughout the day. As far as I can tell there is no energy slump (I take part 2 in the middle of the day). Its actully a great substitute for caffei...Read more.
Allen E. - 2017-12-29
Margaux G. - 2017-12-29
These supplements give me so much energy without ever feeling hyper. I love Qualia!
William S. - 2017-12-28
Started on Qualia about 2 months ago. For me a dose of one number one and 2 number 2 is enough for noticeable effect. Very pleased with Qualia and will continue to use it. I have tried at least 5 other cognitive enhancement products over the years and this one is by far the best!
Lisa C. - 2017-12-28
I went out of town and ran out of Qualia. Within a week I noticed the difference with my recall, focus and even moods. This stuff makes a difference!
Guest - 2017-12-23
I've been experimenting with Qualia for a couple months now, and I have found a definite effect on my subjective experience. Something happens that is beyond the boost of caffeine and feels sustainable. But the true reason I buy and take Qualia is to support the mission of Neurohacker Collective and its "empowered responsibility" mantra. Even if Qualia did nothing, I would still take it as an open-label placebo, simply to connect its ingestion with all the wealth of knowledge I've gained from...Read more.
Jesse E. - 2017-12-22
I've been taking Qualia for the past two weeks. I definitely feel like I have more mental clarity and stamina, especially for the first four hours after I take it. My brain feels like it's a well oiled machine and like all of my neurons are firing are quickly. I just feel on point, focused, energized. I love it! I will definitely continue to use the supplement as long as keep seeing benefits like I am currently. WOW!!!
Chi-Shih L. - 2017-12-21
Not bad
John S. - 2017-12-20
Qualia works-quality people behind the product.
Daniel B. - 2017-12-19
In a world vying for your attention and money, it is refreshing to find a jewel hiding in plain sight. Qualia exceeds its own definition and in my humble opinion sets a benchmark few others will obtain. A remarkable product.
Abram S. - 2017-12-18
This is by far the highest quality, most comprehensive product on the market with actual clinical doses of ingredients. Truly an amazing product and certainly worth every penny!!!
Jimmy M. - 2017-12-16
"The master key to life" is the only way I feel I can adequately describe the effects of Qualia to the people around me that inquire about it. I've noticed significant improvements in a wide range of cognitive functions since starting Qualia, not the least of which being a perceptible increase in my ability to form sentences while speaking with people, something I've struggled with as an introvert for years. I feel as if Qualia allows my brain to communicate with itself more effectively, caus...Read more.
Sami A. - 2017-12-15
Week 2 of Qualia and I have to say this has already changed my life for the better. No more do I require adderal to work/study on a daily basis. Monthly price for qualia is well worth it
Rushton W. - 2017-12-15
Since getting introduced to the world of nootropics around 2011/2012 I've experimented with different ones on the market. Out of all the supplements I have tried in the past, this is by far the best one I've experienced. I am currently studying Electrical Engineering for my second Bachelor's and working part time at a software company and I honestly don't think I could have made it as far as I have, and managed the stress as well as I have been, if it wasn't for Qualia. At this point I've be...Read more.
Timothy T. - 2017-12-15
With two weeks of taking Qualia now, I've had a variety of positive experiences. It was pretty subtle the first few days, mainly involving improved attention. Then I was aware that without exerting much willpower I seemed to be making better choices and following through with those choices. But the biggest benefit for me so far is in being more at ease in social situations.
Odette G. - 2017-12-14
I'm on day two of my Qualia experience. Definitely noticed an immediate difference. I feel more focussed, but in a calm and gentle way. Every other cognition supplement I've ever tried has had an over-stimulating, 'speedy' effect on my system - so in this regard, Qualia represents a very welcome difference to other options. I've noticed my meditation practice is slightly improved too. Not to mention I also feel a little 'braver' and more willing to face the tasks and emotions I've been avoidi...Read more.
Mitzi J. - 2017-12-14
Mikhael B. - 2017-12-14
I use only when I have a day that I need to really focus so the bottle lasts me quite a while. Very good stuff. Will always have some on hand.
Thomas T. - 2017-12-13
Combined with the integral foundations of health, I find Qualia accelerates my human evolution and development by enhancing all aspects of cognitive performance. Specifically, I experience increased frequency and amplitude of flow states, increased plasticity (BDNF), better emotional awareness and control, and a quality of focus like the tip of a sharpened spear. Zooming out, these improvements, when entered into the machine of self-directed adaptive plasticity, greatly accelerate all aspects...Read more.
Tom M. - 2017-12-13
I've tried so many things to help with the brain fog and fatigue I have been experiences for over 3 years. Qualia is the first thing that has given me a definitive boost. Thanks NHC!
Andrea D. - 2017-12-12
Jeremy W. - 2017-12-11
I am able to focus on what I want to think about easier then before. I am able to remember things in detail a lot more. I can meditate and listen to books for hours absorbing the information. Before qualia my mind would not focus long enough to do that. I also became a runner and I've never done that before. I have this energy that I never have experienced before Qualia. Qualia is changing my life for the better!
Tyler W. - 2017-12-11
I'm not going to be able to put this more eloquently than several of the other customers who have reviewed before me, so instead I'll offer this. I have a monthly subscription for Qualia and have for about 6 months. I think my continued return business is all the evidence that one needs when assessing the validity of all the claims being made by NHC and it's supporters.
jose c. - 2017-12-08
I like it