
Zach B. - 2022-02-06
The first week I took Qualia Mind, I couldn’t tell much of a difference. However, week two, especially two days in particular, I felt extremely focused and got a lot accomplished. There were another 3 days where I felt a little above average or just average in reference to focus. That could be due to less sleep though. All in all, after two weeks, I’d say it definitely helps, but it’s not quite a “limitless pill”
Leland B. - 2022-02-06
Day 1. Hard day but feeling pretty good still. I’ll keep you posted.
Ryan G. - 2022-02-03
Great product, take in the morning
Angel W. - 2022-01-26
Awesome product, I felt immediate results. The reason for not rating as 5 stars is that the product is too expensive
Meelod S. - 2022-01-24
Qualia Mind is great for entrepreneurs who like to get up early in the day and be productive until midnight. The energy provided allows for all-day drive and can keep you up late. In regards to synaptic changes when pairing the right dose with neuroplasticity-enhancing activities habits can change quickly.
Amelia R. - 2022-01-20
This product keeps me going. This product improves my mental clarity so that I can handle complicated work, and I'm using it while I transfer to a keto lifestyle. I took one star off because of the taste of the product --fishy and hay but mostly fishy. It isn't fish in it --it's likely the sea algae extracts. Those are excellent for you, but for the sake of those out here, can you coat the capsules in something where we can't taste it? I've been taking Qualia Mind on and off for a year, taki...Read more.
brandon j. - 2022-01-17
I just got the product, so I'm looking forward to testing its effectiveness. The customer service has been responsive and thorough.
Hanalaura W. - 2022-01-13
I have taken this product for a month and noticed subtle differences in focus, energy and actually sleep quality. Personally, I prefer the mild changes offered by this product than a product that causes extreme changes. Definitely recommend!
Christopher A. - 2022-01-07
This definitely helps me get higher quality sleep according to my FitBit sense and Oura ring
Milad N. - 2022-01-07
The caffeine one made me jittery but this one is good.
Sophia S. - 2022-01-06
not sure, but seems to help
Jose L. - 2022-01-03
Works really good for me. I do not have to take as much as it recommends. Will keep buying
Gwen B. - 2021-12-31
I love the reassurance this product gives me that I am doing what I can to safeguard my vision. i had developed a lot of floaters and had to go to the eye specialist last year when one eye started having less vivid, a greying, of vision. I went to the specialist, all was fine but he said sometimes age can do that, so I've started on Qualia Vision, I think I generally notice less floaters and i have not a any more noticeable greying, so I'm happy to keep taking it.
Stanley L. - 2021-12-29
work as described
Kyler M. - 2021-12-29
Is it expensive? Sure is. But at least to me, it's worth paying a few bucks a day to have my best shot at focus, clarity, and drive. Maybe those things matter to you too. I'm not promising it will work for you, but I'd minimally say its worth a shot. I've noticed some benefits myself and would say it's well worth it in my experience.
RICHARD L. - 2021-12-24
Noticed difference right away after starting to use.
Dea T. - 2021-12-21 | Beta Tester
I noticed a dramatic relief after the second round of taking the product.
Braydon Y. - 2021-12-21
Amazing product. Really allows for deep work and concentration. I'd recommend caffeine-free if you get jittery with a cup of coffee.
Catherine M. - 2021-12-20 | Beta Tester
I can't say definitively if there were any positive effects from taking the Senolytics pills. I think over time they would be beneficial.
Elizabeth G. - 2021-12-15
only on 2nd bottle of the qualia vision and have notice that things are starting to look brighter, and eyes do not seem as dry throughout the day. I am hoping that with continued use of qualia vision that vision will improve to the point that I might not need glasses any longer. I will keep you up to date as I continue to use qualia vision.
Aaron P. - 2021-12-15
pretty good product.
Julia S. - 2021-12-08
Just started using it, the dosage of 7 capsules a day sounds excessive, I would prefer less capsules with same idea of effect
Linda C. - 2021-12-04
I have noticed an overall improvement in my eyesight, especially with reducing floaters. Once I have more of a history using this product, I might give it 5 stars.
Stephen D. - 2021-12-03 | Beta Tester
I had a noticeably higher level of focus without experiencing negative affects like jitters or anxiety.
Connor U. - 2021-12-03
I purchased Qualia Mind and started taking it about 2 weeks before a big (career dependent) test. This could be partially due to a placebo effect, but I feel more confident about my ability to perform in class and (definitely not placebo) find that memory recall takes a bit less effort. The only thing barring me from rating 5 stars is that, while I do find it more easy to enter the flow-state, I also find my mind bouncing around to different thoughts at times, although way less than with caff...Read more.