
Nathan W. - 2022-04-25
Love this product for a focused work week where I have a lot to get done.
Beverly F. - 2022-04-24
Im excited to unlock my full potential taking Qualia
Rosanna A. - 2022-04-23 | Beta Tester
From the 3rd day of taking Focus with weekend breaks, I definitely noticed more mental clarity! I am able to find solutions at a faster rate than before. A side effect was more energy so that is a big PLUS!!!! Huge fan and will definitely recommend to my co workers! Doctors and nurses should all be taking this :) Thank you so much Team for formulating this product.
Hunter D. - 2022-04-22
Amazing product for the price. Full focus and energy all day. Highly recommend.
Zack B. - 2022-04-22
A mus have! Now a regular part of my daily routine and life!
Sara S. - 2022-04-22
As a pharmacist, I am keenly aware of the deceptive tactics and outright lies that the majority of supplement/vitamin companies utilize. The corporations that actually put the ingredients they advertise, and in the correct quantity, are few and far between. I've tried virtually every brand of supplement under the sun that claims to improve focus. Not a single one worked until I tried Qualia Mind. My attention to detail and ability to drown out the ever present background noise of the pharmacy...Read more.
Brenda d. - 2022-04-22
Impressive ingredients and already boosting my energy and focus!
Melanie K. - 2022-04-21
This is the best nootropic that I have tried so far...I have ADD and I don't want to be on adderal, so I thought I would give nootropics a try, I tried a bunch of different ones and Qualia is by far my favorite!!! I just love it!!!Thank you Neurohacker....
Heather F. - 2022-04-21
Took on day 3 of a fast and woke up with major brain fog which cleared in about an hour. Head has been clear since taking.
allan t. - 2022-04-21 | Beta Tester
Better able to put aside distractions and accomplish tasks. Critical thinking enhanced.
beni b. - 2022-04-21
Very good
daniel g. - 2022-04-21
My Qualia focus sample did what i expected. It's perfect for starting the day off right. I appreciate you guys so much for offering the trial, i will keep that in mind if i feel i need more nootropic
Matthew M. - 2022-04-20 | Beta Tester
While using this product I have noticed an enhancement in focus and a more conscious awareness of my surroundings. During my last week I sort of felt a kind of burning sensation in my stomach after taking these pills. It’s not a bad burning but more of a tingling sensation burning but only in your stomach. I also perceived a sort of time dilation while taking this product before I went to work. Work days would go by faster without me even really noticing it. Playing video games after taking t...Read more.
Kevin B. - 2022-04-20
Been taking it for about a week now and it seems to give me a focus boost. Looking forward to checking long-term effects.
Michael D. - 2022-04-20 | Beta Tester
Increased focus with no side effects
Isidro A. - 2022-04-20
QUALIA Mind Has changed my perspective of things lately I feel more open minded.
El B. - 2022-04-19
In my last review, I stated that I'd switch from Qualia Focus to Qualia Mind. My automatic renewal kicked in for Focus first - and I'm glad it did! I've gotten used to having the option to zone in and focus, and days without Focus waiting for Mind would've been a bit of a bummer, studying and all.. once again, Qualia Focus does the job. I've since stopped the auto-renewal subscription for Focus, and plan to use Mind from here on out, just based on the reviews. Focus is still five stars in ...Read more.
Beth W. - 2022-04-19 | Beta Tester
Focus significantly improved, clarity returned, felt like I had a 5 year rewind.
TOBIAS V. - 2022-04-19
Took a long time researching and following Neurogacker and glad I finally decided to take the dive. Qualia Mind is a great stack and provides a clear a consistent focus, no drop off and just a smooth even flow. My brain thanks you.
HANNAH H. - 2022-04-19
best ingredients packed into one bottle
Vikram T. - 2022-04-18
felt great after a few days of taking it and woke up well rested , also had profound dreams! Would buy again!
Matt C. - 2022-04-18 | Beta Tester
After using this product first thing in the morning, I felt great. My day usually starts in the gym at 5:30am. My focus and energy levels were great. It carried over to my job starting at 7:30 as a high school teacher. I was alert, energized and motivated. Overall, I am extremely happy with the product and plan on utilizing it on a consistent basis.
Tiffany M. - 2022-04-18 | Beta Tester
This was a great product! I am a serial procrastinator and FOCUS completely eliminated this while I was taking it. I would highly recommend for anybody who is having trouble focusing.
Ray D. - 2022-04-18
This product works wonders.
Mike L. - 2022-04-18 | Beta Tester
I noticed a significant increase in focus and a aid in mental fatigue