Qualia Probiotic+

All-In-One Gut Support

Qualia Probiotic+ supports every key aspect of flourishing gut health, from less bloating and better digestion, to nutrient absorption and akkermansia growth, to mood and brain performance, all in one scoop.*

  • 3 spore-form probiotics + pre & post biotics.
  • 4 prebiotic fibers, 12 fermented berries/herbs.
  • Promotes natural growth of Akkermansia
  • Helps rebalance the entire gut ecosystem. *
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Total Gut Support Made Easy

What to Expect:

Commonly Experienced Health Benefits Supported By Qualia Probiotic+

Enhanced Digestive Support

Less bloating and gassiness, healthier bowel regularity, and less general indigestion.

Mood & Mental State Benefits

Your gut, like your brain, contains neurons. Qualia Probiotic+ contains ingredients to support strengthening of the gut-brain axis.

Powerful Immune Support

70% of our immune system is in our gut. Qualia Probiotic+ promotes healthy bacteria, such as Akkermansia, a keystone gut species that aids in immune support and strengthens gut lining.

Enhanced Nutrient Absorption

Contains five powerful digestive enzymes that support healthy nutrient absorption.

Decrease in Your Digestive Complaints in just 15 days!

Participants in a Qualia Probiotic+ beta-study reported a 68% decrease in overall digestive complaints after just 15 days of use!

‡ Although these results are highly encouraging, they are not statistically significant and the study was not placebo-controlled. Larger, controlled studies will be required to confirm the findings. Full Study Results Here.

Percent decrease from Baseline after 15 Days of Qualia Probiotic+

a chart depicting the percent decrease from baseline after 15 days of Qualia Probiotic+.  Abdominal discomofrt down 80%, hard stools down 60%, indigestiondown 60%, loose stools down 70%, and upper GI discomfort down 80%.  Although these results are highly encouraging, they are not statistically significant and the study was not placebo-controlled.  Larger, controlled studies will be required to confirm the findings.a chart depicting the percent decrease from baseline after 15 days of Qualia Probiotic+.  Abdominal discomofrt down 80%, hard stools down 60%, indigestiondown 60%, loose stools down 70%, and upper GI discomfort down 80%.  Although these results are highly encouraging, they are not statistically significant and the study was not placebo-controlled.  Larger, controlled studies will be required to confirm the findings.

‡Although these results are highly encouraging, they are not statistically significant and the study was not placebo-controlled. Larger, controlled studies will be required to confirm the findings. Full Study Results Here

Renowned Doctors, Health Influencers & Athletes Who Love Qualia Products

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What 1 Scoop Of Qualia Probiotic+ Contains:

Crafting the ideal gut support drink mix required analyzing the science of many gut health essentials, to combine everything your gut needs into a simple drink powder, including…

3 spore form probiotics (shelf stable)

4 prebiotic fibers

5 digestive enzymes

12 fermented berries & herbs

1.5 billion postbiotics

3 billion live probiotic organisms

1 Drink Mix. Countless Gut Health Benefits.

28 Gut Ingredients.

12 Fermented Foods.

5 Digestive Enzymes.

1 Scoop.

Gut Health Requires Factoring The Full Picture

We evaluated and assessed over 100 ingredients with relevance to gut health, handpicking the best to curate a formulation that offers a level of comprehensive gut health benefits never achieved before in one product. This included studying the gut-brain axis, an aspect of physiology often overlooked in product formulation. It also meant the inclusion of spore form probiotics that are more capable of surviving the entire length of the digestive tract. Finally, we rigorously tested the formulation to confirm that it exceeded the formulation goals sought from our science team.

The Science (And Art) Of Unrivaled Support For Gut Health

Formulation detail is critical when supporting the complexities of gut health. This is why we included shelf-stable spore form probiotics to survive the entirety of the digestive tract, and ingredients which support the growth of keystone gut bacteria such as Akkermansia. We also included ingredients backed by clinical studies and the highest standards of scientific rigor. Qualia Probiotic+ redefines what's possible in a total gut support regimen from just one effortless scoop. Three primary principles informed every step of our process:

A Holistic Approach:

A truly holistic gut health formula factors for a sustainable means of arriving at gut health improvements. We aimed to broadly support all aspects of a thriving gut microbiome, so health benefits would be reflective of better balance, harmony, and self-regulation to the underlying physiology of the gut.

Impeccable Ingredient Sourcing:

All ingredients in Qualia Probiotic+ are vegan, non-GMO, and gluten free. But additionally, many ingredients are trademarked or standardized to ensure reliable potency and benefit, including clinically studied ingredients.

Relationships Between Ingredients

Our science team pioneered the use of complex systems science in supplement formulations, which values the sum total effect of different ingredients in combination with each other, including deep study of their ideal dosage relationships, to achieve the greatest health benefits.

Learn More About The Other Ingredients


SmartSeed™ Celastrus paniculatus Seed Extract The Celastrus paniculatus plant, also known in South Asia as “the intellect tree”, has seeds used for centuries as a brain tonic to support mental sharpness and memory. SmartSeed™ is a proprietary extract only found in Qualia products. It supports healthy acetylcholine signaling, which is an important neurotransmitter involved in attention, learning, memory, and neuroplasticity.*

N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine (NAG) is a fermentable amino sugar shown to have several biological roles that support healthy gut-brain functions. It is part of some of the complex molecules in connective tissue, myelin, human breast milk, and mucus and is essential for building molecules used as food by some friendly bacteria. NAG-containing oligosaccharides were first identified more than 50 years ago as the 'bifidus factor' in human breast milk, supporting the growth of intestinal bifidobacteria. Some of the beneficial bacteria that live in mucus rely on NAG and NAG-containing molecules.

Magnesium (from Aquamin® Mg) Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and plays a vital role in supporting the function of all living cells. It’s used in more than 300 enzymes. All enzymes which use ATP (the molecule cells use as their primary energy source) require magnesium to support their activity. The same is true for enzymes that synthesize DNA and RNA, so magnesium is constantly involved in a broad range of vital health functions. Aquamin® Mg is a bioavailable source of magnesium that also contains lesser amounts of 71 other minerals and has been studied for supporting gut microbiota.

Solnul™ is a source of resistant starch obtained from potatoes. Resistant starch is starch that's resistant to digestion (our digestive enzymes don’t break it down), which allows it to be used as food for good gut bacteria. Starchy foods have been in the human diet for tens of thousands of years. The main difference today is that starchy food products are often refined to improve their taste, appearance, and texture. But highly refined starches lose nearly all their nutrients and fiber, depriving gut microbes of one of their favorite foods—resistant starch. Resistant starch reaches the colon undigested like insoluble fiber and thereby supporting digestive health.

Sunfiber® is a clinically studied soluble fiber containing 100% partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG). It is sometimes called guar fiber or galactomannan fiber. The starting material for PHGG is guar beans. These are seeds of the guar plant (Cyamopsis tetragonolobus L.), which is native to western India. Guar gum is extracted from guar beans to produce a high-viscosity soluble fiber (viscosity means a fiber that forms a gel). High-viscosity fibers can support healthy bowel function—viscous fibers add bulk to stools—but are relatively poor prebiotics.* Sunfiber® differs from guar gum because it has been partially hydrolyzed (i.e., partially broken down) with fermentation-derived enzymes from a probiotic fungus (Aspergillus niger), decreases its viscosity, making it a better prebiotic fiber than guar gum.

Bacillus subtilis is a spore-forming probiotic (sometimes described as a sporebiotic). It was first isolated in 1832. Bacillus subtilis is considered to be a soil-based organism (or SBO), because it can be found in the soil and in decaying plant matter (such as hay). Bacillus subtilis have also long been used in foods, particularly in the preparation of alkaline-fermented foods. Spore-forming probiotics, like Bacillus subtilis, can be thought of as being akin to seeds from plants that germinate and grow when placed in the right conditions. The naturally protected spore form allows Bacillus subtilis to be: (1) stable at room temperature (2) remain dormant to survive the harsh conditions of the stomach, and (3) germinate and proliferate when it reaches the intestine.

Bacillus clausii (recently renamed Alkalihalobacillus clausii) is a spore-forming probiotic. It is considered to be a soil-based organism (or SBO), because it can be found in the soil. Bacillus clausii has been found in the normal microflora of the gut in healthy adults and children. It is stable at room temperature (i.e., it does not require refrigeration), remains dormant to survive the harsh conditions of the stomach, and germinates and proliferates when it reaches the intestine.

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Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Synbiotics are food ingredients or dietary supplements combining probiotics and prebiotics (compounds that support the growth or activity of beneficial microorganisms) with complementary actions.

Probiotics should start working immediately but you may not notice major results for a few days or even weeks. In the pre-market pilot study we conducted, most participants reported noticing benefits in one or more occasional digestive system complaints after seven days of taking Qualia Probiotic+.*

Probiotics have not been associated with weight gain. Probiotics are compounds that help support gut health and that, by doing so, may also support healthy metabolic function. Users also usually report noticing better digestion while taking probiotics.*

Qualia Probiotic+ is suitable for daily use. If you have health concerns or are taking medications, we advise you to consult your physician.*