Qualia Mind Reviews

Richard B. - 2021-10-16
Firstly let me say I already take a lot of supplements, many of which are in QM. I thought why not give it a try with their 30 day guarantee. Many of the reviews mentioned that almost immediate noticeable effects could be felt. I didn’t experience any effects so I canceled my subscription and applied for a refund. I am 76 and in excellent health and don’t take or need any drugs.
Richard B. - 2021-10-16
Firstly let me say I already take a lot of supplements, many of which are in QM. I thought why not give it a try with their 30 day guarantee. Many of the reviews mentioned that almost immediate noticeable effects could be felt. I didn’t experience any effects so I canceled my subscription and applied for a refund.
Anna L. - 2021-10-13
It does give me energy an mental acuity with a side effect anxiety and racing thoughts.
Davis L. - 2021-10-04
Am a meditative guy been like that for almost 4 years now, I have drive on a daily and lots of energy too am yet to feel a big kick with this product but one thing for sure I feel something after taking it! I hope to keep doing that so time will tell at this point.
Renata B. - 2021-10-03 | Beta Tester
My father recommended schedule for 28 days and I didn’t see an effect. I really wanted to.Maybe I need to try it longer?
Jason L. - 2021-08-29
Kept me awake and energized, but it didn't remove any cloudiness or motivate. Like downing 3 espressos. It made my stool loose as well eek. YMMV
Sirena S. - 2021-08-29
have energy no real difference in focus
Tim S. - 2021-08-02
I really like the Qualia Mind. I can notice a difference. I hate the smarmy subscription model. It took me quite some time to order because of it. It reminds me of porn sites and magazine scams. In fact I hate it so much I docked two stars.
Mike M. - 2021-07-27
Bad fish taste made me sick.
Dave K. - 2021-07-25
I didn’t feel the difference to justify the price. I’m sure it’s beneficial but I’m currently taking some of the supplements in your formula.
Thomas B. - 2021-07-21
I'm not sure if it really affected me.....couldn't tell if it was making a difference. Also, the pills are very big and not easy to swallow
Kevin T. - 2021-07-21
Using for a couple of weeks; not sure of any positive results. Will continue for another month, but rather expensive for minimal effect.
Julia K. - 2021-07-18
I’ve been taking it but unsure if there is much of a difference at this time. But will continue to take and give it some more time.
Carrie Ann A. - 2021-07-09
I have definitely felt an improvement in my brain health in taking this supplement - which coincided with starting a new, highly demanding job! However, I am not able to do as long of an intermittent fast on the days I take the Qualia Mind. Also, it is one of the worst tasting supplements I have ever tried (and so many pills to take each morning!) Any chance the company could add something to the formula to make it taste more appealing? It smells and tastes like a horse barn.
Mackenzi B. - 2021-06-23
The product works okay, but I didn't realize you had to take 7 capsules. I would not have bought this if I had known.
Robert L. - 2021-06-11
Let's start with this - I love the product. It is effective. My focus, energy level, and mindset are tangibly upgraded. What drives me BUGGY (and has since the beginning) is that Neurohacker ships 154 tabs per bottle - YET advises taking a minimum of 7 per day. Done the math ? Yep, that means my monthly shipment is SIXTY tablets under the advised minimum dose. Why does Neurohacker do this ? I am left to wonder. The natural conclusion is that they are slowly bu surely requiring me to o...Read more.
Phil C. - 2021-06-07
I've been using Qualia for about a week now. The benefits are subtle, but approximately as advertised, with a mild increase in focus and drive. The seven pills that you have to swallow, however, are pretty large, and they have a godawful scent/taste that present themselves when they hit your tongue and mouth. By pill #3 I'm struggling to get them down. Dunno if I can endure this unpleasantness in the long term and become a consistent user.
Luis G. - 2021-06-06
I had no feeling that boost everyone is talking about
Scott Y. - 2021-05-11
With all the hype, I was expecting more. 7 pills give me an afternoon headache, and don’t seem to add any extra benefit over a 5 pill daily dose. While I do notice an increase in focus and memory, it’s less than expected (or hyped). I have suffered from late afternoon crashes. For the cost, I can’t help thinking I can achieve similar results at half the price.
Rashidah S. - 2021-05-06
It makes me sleepy. But I definitely have more focus when I'm awake....
Brandon H. - 2021-04-18
Not a bad product but don't really notice any change. I've been taking for two weeks now and no major improvement in Focus, Sleep or any of the things it mentions. Was hoping for more especially having to take 7 of these fish tasting pills every morning.
Cynthia D. - 2021-04-15
I have taken the Qualia Mind for two weeks, haven't noticed much of a difference yet. I have had brain tumors and after radiation/surgery, my ability to process, remember or even talk correctly were an issue. Vitamins do help, I am hoping after taking these for 30 days that these vitamins will do more for me than all the others I have tried.
Susan G F. - 2021-04-13
I'm certain this is a great product that works very well when it's the right fit. I feel like I gave it a good shot, but maybe timing? Circumstances? It just didn't happen for me. I very much appreciate the information given me and the absolutely outstanding customer service. Thank you.
John C. - 2021-04-09
Maybe it is not working right for me. It gives me energy through most of the day. But not much else. I take the recommended dosage every morning. Seven capsules with 16.9 oz of water. And I do it first thing on an empty stomach.
Paul L. - 2021-03-16
Good product/effect but definitely not worth the price. I’ve taken multiple nootropics products and this is by far the most over valued ; extremely expensive