Qualia Night Reviews

Bob Z. - 2020-07-11 | Beta Tester
I tried to purchase Qualia Night and found their web site impossible to deal with. I attempted to purchase this product several times without success. I made numerous attempts to contact customer service. Their responses were inadequate and not helpful. I’ve never had so much trouble purchasing something!
Lonnie W. - 2020-07-08 | Beta Tester
I did not feel any effects. The instructions to take it during dinner might be a factor? And I do have a beer or 1 glass of wine with my dinners. And so if there were to be any relaxation it might have been attributed to the beer or wine. I did do one night without any alcohol and I still did not feel anything. And as usual I fall asleep but I walk up within a few hrs with my mind wide awake until morning.
Kylan W. - 2020-07-03 | Beta Tester
This did not work for me.
Josh W. - 2020-03-30 | Beta Tester
Well, my experience was not the best. I had issues with sleep and was forced to cut the dose in half. I do believe that external job stressors may have been a contributing factor. I would be open to trying again.