Jawad H. reviewed Qualia Resilience | Beta Tester
Do calm the nerves but when off the anxiety returns with a bang
Set a higher Baseline!
Another amazing product! After taking it, I realized I had more control of myself when working through difficult emotions. I tend to be a moody person, so my emotions jump from state in moment’s notice. I felt more present after taking Resilience, and as a result I was able to ride my emotional w...
Lifts my daily motivation
I really like this Qualia product. Since I have started taking it I am noticing a lifting of my mood and outlook on the day. I feel like I have a more 'can do' attitude. I take one capsule in the morning and one in the mid-day.
Increased dream recall for first few days. Otherwise feels similar to Qualia Mind.
No more overwhelming feelings
This product has helped me tackle tasks that I've been putting off. I'm able to calmly prioritize my list and complete one thing at a time without feeling overwhelmed with all I have to do.