Mariah C. reviewed Qualia Focus | Beta Tester
Where has this product been the last 10 years question? It's like I got my 20 year old brain back. I'm in the legal field and having my youthful brain back is amazing! I used to have a photographic memory, it felt as though it was coming back. No need to write things down,as I would memorize them. Lists were no problem, tasks were no problem. I actually felt like completing all my tasks. No procrastination. That is beautiful.
Continuing to give it a shot. So far, so good.
Strong focus for about 5 hrs after 2 days of high productivity. Taking first thing in the morning.
Focus experience
I noticed an increase in mental energy and overall mood beginning the first day of use, which I did not expect.
Great focus
Amazing focus for the first week - like unbelievable. Those previous dips in focus were nonexistent. The second week was a little less effective when compared to the first week, but it was still some good focus feeling.
Subtle But Noticable
Taken this on a few different occasions in the last two years. Sometimes it takes a few days to notice the effects but I love it!