Brendan S. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials

about 4 years ago

Great Product!

I have only been using Qualia Focus for a couple weeks but I can already say that I love this product. I really feel like I found the first all-inclusive product when it comes to sustained focus and mental clarity without any side-effects. This product seems to just work better with continued use as well. They recommend using it for 5 days and then taking 2 days off and I've been using it 3-4 days out of the week with great results. My brain not only works better, but it feels better too!

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Focused mind. Feel fantastic!

Fantastic product! Can focus on everday task Highly recommended! ×10

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Trey R. February 7, 2021

I have tried quite a few supplements for focus and energy in the past couple years; one of which just so happen to be Qualia Mind (around this time last year). While Qualia Mind was the best supplement I had tested at the time, Qualia Focus has stood out as by far the BEST supplement I have ever tested. The amount of energy and focus I feel from this has been almost unbelievable. When I have to speak to a client or customer, I feel more mentally on my game and can recall words and vocabulary with lightning speed when I'm trying to convey my thoughts. When reading the desired effects of comparable supplements, they all claim to provide mental clarity, focus, and energy. I have never felt these effects with anything until Qualia Focus. When this becomes available permanently, I will be a life-long customer!

WOW!... Just WOW! (This is no exaggeration!)

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Optimizes your brain health while you sleep

Not the typical sleep aid you would normally take a half hour before bed time. This non drowsy formula is formulated to be taken at dinner time to maintain brain health while you sleep when you finally go to bed. Not going to is pricey...but there is real science behind this supplement. ...

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Thomas D. January 18, 2021

“Focus” is a perfect name for this product so far. Feeling really dialed in on everything lately.

Great so far!

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