Victor H. reviewed Qualia Night | Beta Tester

about 4 years ago

On Point despite years of sleeping poorly.

Turns out that I have all the symptoms of sleep apnea and am due to have an analysis at the lab. When I was taking Qualia Sleep, I felt very energized and alert during the day despite sleeping poorly. I feel confident that once I am sleeping better with the assistance of a CPAP, Qualia Sleep would take me to another level of productivity.

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Q Sleep

I take it 4, sometimes 3 hours before lights out and it's really been helping me transition from my 12 hour hair on fire work shifts towards recharging my brain, body and soul during the 7-8 hours of sleep. Your recommendation of 5 days on & 2 days off the product is working 5 by 5 for me. ...

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Deann S. July 11, 2020

Just started study but pleased so far. Looking forward to days ahead.

4 days into Qualia night & am so far very please with the results. I’ve notice I am falling asleep faster & waking up feeling more refreshed & ready to start my day. Looking forward to continuing the process of the study’s.

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Matthew R. July 20, 2021

Effective and dependable sleep aid

I sleep on a smart bed with temp regulation and monitor my sleep carefully. I’ve found the Qualia formula the most effective supplement I’ve tried and have proof in my data.

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dan w. August 12, 2020


great product but i was a little sleepy untill mid- day

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