Rebecca R. reviewed Qualia Night

about 1 year ago

Predatory business practices

This company promises a deep discount for auto ship sign up and then sends the auto ship without notifying the customer that it is time to review the auto ship - thereby guaranteeing at least a one time over priced shipment to the customer. Extremely predatory buisness practice.

Thank you for your review. Our customer support team assisted you with the refund and cancelation, as noted the renewal notification email was sent.

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Aaron M. August 27, 2020

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The first night I didn’t notice much of a difference but by the third night I was waking up well rested and energized

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Toni M. February 22, 2021

So far so good

This is my 3rd week. My 1st night was a big wow. I slept 7 hrs. and I felt very lifted energy wise and mentally still. I do have my nights when I wake up @ 4 AM. Hopefully that will be reduced.

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Kimberlee E. February 11, 2022

Not for me

I took a half dose (2 capsules) right after dinner over two consecutive nights and boy, what a disaster. I had an extremely hard time getting to sleep each night as both my mind and my heart rate were racing. I'm happy to see that this works for many people. I'm just not one of them.

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Trey H. June 8, 2021


Fantastic product with noticeable effects. Expensive but worth it.

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