Jackson H. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials

over 3 years ago

Pretty good stuff

I had extremely high hopes for qualia which is always a mistake to create an expectation. I’ve just finished my first 100 doses, I certainly noticed a difference. I notice myself with an ability to focus better and reduced brain fog, but I also set that intention upon taking the supplement each day so it’s hard to say if it was the supplement or merely the power of the mind. I feel like it’s working for me so I’m going to continue using it. I would surely recommend having a smoothie or something of the like in the morning along with the dose or I tended to get pretty nauseated and over deeply stimulated. A little something to eat levels it out. In the end I really like it but I feel it’s useless if you aren’t out there every day trying to increase your brain power independently. It’s not a magic cure but merely a tool in the tool box.

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