
Shannon L. - 2020-12-03
Don’t really see a difference. Disappointing.
Matt J. - 2020-11-14
Improve focus mental energy. Need to change how i eat and try to get the best out of the product.
David T. - 2020-11-14
I have been taking this for awhile because I am a senior with increasing “moments”. I haven’t noticed any positive or negative changes. Only way to know if this works is a double blind study
Jason D. - 2020-10-24
Works well I feel more alert and less mental fatigue. BUT the product gives me a headache, I don’t know if it’s because of underline problem or if I’m sensitive to an ingredient. However I probably won’t be able to keep using it which is disappointing
Stephanie C. - 2020-10-18
I got a bit of lift from the product about half an hour after taking it most mornings of the 5 day trial but by early to mid afternoon I felt that slightly wired tired feeling similar to if i've had too much coffee. Weirdly enough I had about 3 days of craving decaf coffee about 2 hours after taking the product. Having been a prior purchaser of Qualia Mind and the Caffeine free version I have to say that the lift in wellbeing, energy or focus wasn't there with this Essentials product. However...Read more.
kevin s. - 2020-10-13
I provided it for a month and despite being a large dose that you have to take, I did not feel any change in my consent or in my memory, I do not know if it is necessary to continue it and after a certain time you can notice the difference or maybe try others nootopics to compare them
Chris K. - 2020-10-12
I started on a Thursday and then took two days off on the weekend. I may have had a placebo affect during those first two days, but I feel like I noticed instantly that I could focus much better. The following week took a few days, but eventually I felt like I was handling complexities with just a bit more clarity. The challenges of emotional temptation has lifted its weight slightly to a more methodical and structured mindset, but I am totally convinced yet. I invested in Mind Essentials bec...Read more.
Amorina L. - 2020-10-10
I think i feel good but I needed to focus to finish a course and I don’t see big improvements.
Kelleigh J. - 2020-10-06
I noticed a slight increase in energy and focus but not enough to continue with the product in the future.
Justin D. - 2020-09-30
Overall had better focus, duration was better than normal but not substantial. Great overall stack formulation, close to the stack I developed for myself but the difference could’ve been chalked up to me splitting my dose in two and taken at different times in the day and this study requested the dose taken all at once in the morning.
Israel U. - 2020-09-29
Perhaps I wasn't taking the product for a sufficient duration, but I can't say I noticed much effect. Although I never experienced any nootropic effects, I believe, on the first day only, there was a positive impact on my mood.
Berni K. - 2020-09-18
I like Qualia Mind and how it keeps me focused, but the fishy aftertaste, after swallowing the capsules is horrible. I’ve taken fish oil capsules that didn’t leave that taste. I take them with food, but burp up a fishy taste. I know they don’t contain any fish oil, but they sure taste like it.
Marc H. - 2020-09-17
Smells awful, but works
greg n. - 2020-09-16
Hard to judge whether I'm deriving a neuro boost. At least I'm not becoming more stupid.
Matt H. - 2020-09-15
Based on the reviews I've seen, I was hoping for substantial noticeable changes in my concentration and cognition, but I'm on my second week and though I believe mental cognition has improved some, I have no reason to apply it to Qualia and neither is it a substantial improvement. Last week I had some heart palpitations, I think related to the caffeine content, so this week I've reduced my other caffeine intake and haven't had any issues yet.
Renata G. - 2020-09-14
Didn’t feel or see much of a difference. Was not thrilled about taking 8 pills at once. It was hard to stay motivated to take it everyday. Being honest, I was not consistent with one week straight.
Dana M. - 2020-09-05
I didn’t notice a significant difference in energy/vitality from 5 days of use.
Walter D. - 2020-09-04
After taking Eternus for a week (5days), I did not feel any affects. I took it daily in the morning before breakfast. I was hoping to feel some affect, but I may feel something if I take it for a longer period of time, not sure how long it takes to feel something.
Mark D. - 2020-09-01
I could not really tell any difference. Have used Qualia before with excellent results
Jimmie W. - 2020-08-29
I think this formulation isn't quite right for me. I actually have had some pretty rough nights in the month I've been taking it. Can't really blame the supplement, as it was a family situation that was keeping me awake, just can't say the supplement actually helped or made a difference.
Gregg K. - 2020-08-29
I haven’t felt any noticeable difference in energy, focus etc
Ryan B. - 2020-08-28
I didn't really notice any notice effects compared to Qualia. I think ultimately you've got to find a way to reduce the amount of pills for a dose, 8 is just simply too much and I'm very used to taking pills
Lonnie W. - 2020-08-27
Study is too short. I cannot tell the difference if it has helped me in a difficult work experience or not because usually I'm wired to solve problems and keep at it until its done. I would need more time on the Eternus and then have a period of not having it to see. And everyday was different. Some days I ate better so my energy was sustained. Some days I did not and my energy was down. Did Eternus helped during those low energy days? I don't know.
Corinne L. - 2020-08-25
I did not experience much of a difference in anything after using it for a week. I think I may need more time to really make an assessment.
Jerome G. - 2020-08-25
Still measuring results. It seems like a difference is being made but the jury is still out. I still don't seem to have the focus I would like. I'm making other changes that may help boost the awareness of Qualia as the catalyst. There is some improvement.