
Theresa P. - 2020-08-24
It helps me fall asleep quicker however it doesn't last thru the night and the next day I feel a bit anxious. Maybe its one of the herbs?
Lawrence S. - 2020-08-13
Taking Night less than a month; not sure of it’s effectiveness yet
David S. - 2020-08-11
Maybe 3.5 stars? About two weeks in. Notice a slight uptick in focus and concentration, but similar if I took either 300 mg alpha GPC or that and 2.4 g piracetam. Will give another few weeks to evaluate and see if its worth it.
Jeff G. - 2020-08-11
So far I can't say that I am seeing any real changes since starting to take this.
Jamie M. - 2020-08-07
I have only been taking it just over a week. I started with 3 for 2 days, then 4 for two days, then 5. I went back down to 4 due to some stomach issues. It's a little too early to tell if it's wishful thinking or thinking clearer, but I am looking forward to seeing the results after a month.
charles D. - 2020-08-02
Left me bloated, I didn’t really feel any positive effects. More like normal to me
Rob W. - 2020-07-27
The product works just fine. My only real issue is the same as all Qualia products- the number of pills required for an effective dose.
Guest - 2020-07-24
I had high hopes for this. I may need to try the caffeine free one. At first I took the recommended 5 capsules, and it was way too much caffeine. I got got sweaty and my heart raced a lot. I went down to three and it was somewhat better. Then I went down to two. I still have a lot left and i will continue to use it. But, I really don’t feel more focused than usual. I’m not ready to give up though.
Michael B. - 2020-07-21
I definitely felt more focused initially but for some reason it made me super fatigued as the day wore on. It wasn't a crashing feeling but just mentally fatigued which is the opposite effect I was looking for. I also didn't care for the amount of pills you had to ingest daily which I knew prior to purchasing but was more of a hastle than anticipated. I think over time maybe my mind/body would have adjusted and the fatigue may have eventually diminished as I've only been using for 2 and a hal...Read more.
David R. - 2020-07-19
I took this with dinner or right before bed over the course of the last couple weeks. Myself and colleagues reliably had very intense vivid dreams with this product. I believe the dosing is way too high. Would recommend starting with 1 cap, not 4.
Daniel H. - 2020-07-17
Im not sure how to score this one, I was looking for something i could take daily to help with focus and productivity at work and in that regard its not exactly what i am after but i have found other uses for it. I find it quite stimulating, with enhanced visual acuity, mood lift (often to the point of euphoria) and a desire to socialise and move my body. When trying to work, if anything i feel a little over stimulated and distracted making the idea of work less appealing. I have found this a...Read more.
brian m. - 2020-07-16
Each time I took the product I had terrible sleep that night. I am über sensitive as I take very little supplementation, take care of myself physically, and eat very well. The fact is I only need a half dose or less of Qualia Mind and it has an impact on me. I equate this to the above facts as well, with being very sensitive. With that said, this could be just a user error in terms of sensitivity and or the dosing structure is just too high.
Anng K. - 2020-07-14 | Beta Tester
I have noticed that this product upsets my stomach. The next day I am crampy and have very loose stools. I don't think that the 5 days was enough time. The first night I was fine and only took 3. maybe 4 pills is too much? I
Justin L. - 2020-07-14 | Beta Tester
I seem to fall asleep and get some really good deep and REM sleep. However, I wake up pretty alert after about 5-hours and have a tough time falling back asleep. Having taken 5-htp in the past to help me sleep when traveling internationally, I've noticed something similar.
Greg W. - 2020-07-14 | Beta Tester
Super exited to try this. Everything i've had from NHC has been top notch. This one for me definitely inducted me to wind down and sleep but on two nights i woke up in the middle of the night. I gave myself plenty of hours for sleep but found it very hard to wake up in the morning. I definitely felt rested as the day went on but it was hard in the morning.
Justin H. - 2020-07-11 | Beta Tester
Started taking July 6, 2020 took at 6:00 p.m. (most nights with bed time 10:30 to 11:00 p.m. to be up at 7:00 a.m.) I suffer from Restless leg syndrome and nerve issues stemming from lower back. Although I only slept approximately one hour, the amazing thing was that my legs were calm. Second night July 7, 2020 took Qualia Night at 7:00 p.m. and slept approximately 5 hours straight. Legs still felt good. Third night July 8, 2020 took Qualia Night at 7:15 p.m. and slept a total of 6 hours w...Read more.
Rylen F. - 2020-07-11 | Beta Tester
I would need to take this product for a longer period of time to be able to ascertain if it makes a substantial difference. I feel like I had less "bad" nights and more what I would call "moderate" nights of sleep while taking Qualia Night. I noticed that I experienced more dreaming then I typically do. I still woke midway through the night for an hour or more but was able to go back to sleep sooner.
Maja Apolonia R. - 2020-07-11 | Beta Tester
I used Qualia Night for 5 days and I feel a sense that it was good for my general well being, but I didn’t notice any particular effects, including reviewing data from my Oura ring. I might try a full bottle in the future to see what happens over time.
Jenny L. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
The first time I took this, I was also on the day taking Eternus. I took the 4 capsules about 2 hours before bed. I went to bed around 11:30 PM. Interestingly, I didn't feel tired at bedtime and I had a vivid dream during. I woke up around 3:30 in the morning and had a hard time going back to sleep. I finally fell asleep and woke up around 8 AM but feeling tired. Day 2, I took it again before bed and slept the entire night, and woke up refreshed. Day 3, I had interrupted sleep again but I wok...Read more.
Roger S. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
Day 1- felt calm, relaxed, and ready for sleep (several hours after taking, just before bed) Day 2 - felt calm, relaxed, and ready for sleep (several hours after taking, just before bed) Day 3 - did not experience any effects (several hours after taking, just before bed), had difficulty getting to sleep
Nicholas I. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
I took 4 pills each day, but I feel like I didn't feel less tired until the last day of taking them. Nights 3 and 4 were a bit hard to fall asleep, more so than usual. Almost felt like I had increased energy all of a sudden when I actually tried to go to bed. I give it an average rating because the last night/day is when I got the intended effects so I am curious what would happen if I had them for more than a week.
Amanda R. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
I liked this product. I noticed that throughout the week I was taking it I tended to stay asleep through the entire night instead of waking up every couple of hours. However, I also noticed I was pretty groggy in the mornings.
JR M. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
not much of a noticeable difference..
Nancy L. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
Some nights were a good sleep, some nights not so much... I think I needed more nights to establish a pattern of sleeping better.
Christopher S. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
I do not feel I had an adequate amount of time for a formal rating. I will say that even with the little sleep I was getting during this period it increased my deep sleep from 30 mins or less to over an hour based on my oura ring. I suspect with adequate amount of sleep it would help even more